βDaughters of the Ruling Class plunges audiences into the opulent yet treacherous world of a group of friends, all children of the global elite, whose lives begin to unravel on the eve of the prestigious Willshire Ball, against the backdrop of an impending cosmic catastrophe. With biting dialogue and an unflinching exploration of power and privilege, the play strips away the gilded veneer of extreme wealth to reveal the raw humanity beneath.β - Broadway World
Silencio Nightclub
Co-Director and Dramaturg
Daughters of the Ruling Class
September 2024
Written by Aidan La Poche
Scenic and costume design by Pearl Marden featuring collections from designers Amanda Tabot, Zepherina, and Fiona Frohnapfel
Featuring Brennan Keeley, Lucinda Dunham, Kalissa Persaud, Mads Daily, Olivia Vitarelli, Renee-Nicole Powell, and Vivian Hunt
Photos by Elinor Kry